Gold Star Productions has signed with Ty Walker (Imperium) of Tycor International Film Company and Nigel Smart of Smart and Finance to develop the feature film “Fourteen”. The high-concept action black comedy follows a hitman, reincarnated as a fourteen-year-old boy, who takes on the crime syndicate responsible for his death. Fourteen will be co-produced by Ken Frith and Ty Walker, executive produced by Nigel Smart and directed by Jason Bourque. “Fourteen” is based on a story by Nigel Smart and written by David Zanardi and Jason Bourque. Â Part of Gold Star’s feature film slate, “Fourteen” is scheduled for production summer 2018.
Gold Star Options “Trapline”
Gold Star is pleased to announce that it has optioned the award-winning feature script “Trapline” written by Kate Bond. Earlier this year “Trapline” won the Daryl Duke screenwriting award sponsored by Creative BC. The character-driven wilderness thriller is slated to go into production in the winter of 2018. Click Here for Globe and Mail Article.